Your Catch
During Your Trip
Fish are bled immediately upon catch and dressed in the field.Getting Your Catch Home
You have two options for getting your fish home, leave it with a processor for smoking/canning or take it home fresh/frozen with you. We will help you with those details:1.) Custom Processing (shipped to you at a later date)

They can ship your fish home Fed-Ex or they offer free shipping to any of their locations for pick up.
Visit their website for more details. We personally use their service and it is great.
Processors like to receive Salmon dressed in the round (whole) if they are smoking, vacuum packing, or canning.
2.) Bring Your Catch Home with you Fresh
If you are bringing your fish home fresh and coming by vehicle from your home bring a cooler to bring you fish home in. Your fish will be bagged and ice is available nearby. Depending on how far your drive is and the weather, you may have to top up with ice again on route.Small Styrofoam coolers are available for purchase at the lodge.
We can fillet your catch or leave the salmon in the round (head off/cleaned).