Stamp River Salmon (2024 TBA similar to 2023)
The Stamp River system continues to be one of the most dependable fisheries on the coast today. With annual abundance sufficient to allow for generous limits of Salmon in both the tidal and non tidal areas.Chinook:
2024 will be no different in terms of the systems usual success. With a terminal run size of over 100,000, yes 100,000!!!.
This projection in our view is a conservative because we are into return years now that fish have been back in food abundant ocean conditions. Also Canada and the US just entered into a new Pacific Salmon Treaty which will be allowing more WCVI Chinook to pass through the ocean fisheries into their home rivers.
DFO has a similar up the projection for Coho in 2024 as well since WCVI Coho are doing good in the better ocean conditions since 2017. The warm "blob" is now past their parents years so we are back into better brood year cycles.
Stamp River limits are 2 Chinook per day and 2 Coho per day, for up to a total of 4 Salmon per day.
The possession limit is the 2x the daily limit.
While all Wild Steelhead must be released, hatchery Steelhead may be retained. We encourage anglers to release all Steelhead both hatchery and wild.
Historical Timing Curves
Keep in mind:
- These counters are MID RIVER and much of the fish hold in the lower river long before they cross the counters. We fish the lower river early season.
- Once the fish migrate into the upper river (past the counters) we move into this area. We fish both the upper and the lower river sections mid season.
- Late season we fish the upper river exclusively.
- Steelhead start to feed on Chinook and Coho eggs in the upper river once the Salmon have begun to spawn.
- What is relevant is the incremental change per day, where 100's of fish are migrating daily right by us.