Bottom Fishing Kyuquot
Inshore Ling Cod Techniques - New "Fishing with Rod" Video
We are very excited to share with you the launch of "Fishing With Rod's" latest video episode, "Inshore Lingcod Tactics" in Kyuquot Sound.
In this episode, you'll get to learn slow trolling methods on catching Lingcod selectively by using big swimbaits like the Gibbsdelta Hali Hawgs, while avoiding smaller non target species like Rockfish. |
![]() To View Full screen, select the view on you tube option in the bottom corner once the video loads. They filmed the show while fishing with David in Kyuquot. Kitty is behind the camera in this episode while Rod and David host the show. Kitty got in on the action post filming, shown in the photo below. The trip was a huge success. Kyuquot Available Dates |
How to Jig For Lunker Lings
Ling Cod are at the top of the food chain in the waters around Vancouver Island. They eat anything smaller than themselves and it can vary from smaller family members to Salmon and everything in between.We have had a lot of practice catching Lings over the past 26 years and you could say we have the technique dialed in. We start with a 11oz jig that is white with a blue back. It is important that you first attach your lure to monofilament line and never go directly to the braided line with the jig. I can't explain why, but your bites will be cut in half if you tie straight to the braid.
The deeper the water the easier they are to catch. Lings live on every hump on the coast and the better they can see the harder they are to catch. I like water that is at least 140 feet deep with 200-300 being the best.
Live bait in shallow water is hard to beat and on the tide change they will attack any bait dropped in front of them. Generally the first three jigs are the best, as Ling Cod are very aggressive and a lure that has been down for awhile is a little less attractive.
Keeping the lure vertical is also important. It is better to reel up and re-drop once your line angle is greater than 30 degrees. Remember that the technique is called jigging for a reason, The more you work your lure the more success you will have.
This known delicacy are also abundant in the areas nearby reefs. Jigging with light tackle can also be fun for seabass. Several species of rockfish are plentiful on Vancouver Islands West Coast. Sea bass and Ling Cod is our primary bottom fish target species. Yellow Eye Rockfish have new conservation concerns so they are no longer a target species. |
![]() Vermilion Rockfish can grow large although this angler is holding his fish towards the camera just a little. |
![]() Ling cod also eat smaller fish of their own species. It is common to bring up a fish with a larger one clung on! |

Kyuquot Sound Lodge
Nestled in the tiny village of Kyuquot, our land based lodge is just minutes to the fishing grounds. This location has 800 feet of water front, with plenty of room to stretch your legs. Your equipment and guides are top notch and the lodge accommodates up to 35 guests Trip Details »